Tips for Flying with Gifts!
If you're celebrating the holidays away from home, you may be wrestling with how to get gifts to your loved ones. With careful planning and packing, however, you can get your gifts safely to their destination. Read up on our favorite tips for flying with gifts.
Flying with Wrapped Gifts
Wrapped gifts are allowed in both carry-ons and checked luggage. However, airport security may need to open gifts as part of their inspections, but it is rare. To decrease the likelihood of your gifts being unwrapped, pack them in your checked luggage rather than your carry-on.
Flying with Edible Gifts
Be sure to factor where your baggage is stored during flight, especially edible gifts as they may be prone to spoiling or melting. Bag and cushion perishable gifts with clothing to avoid a mess in your suitcase. Keep in mind, any liquids or sauces that exceed 3.4 oz. will need to go into your checked luggage.
Flying with Valuable or Irreplaceable Gifts
Carry valuables onto the plane in a small carry-on bag and place it beneath the seat in front of you. The only way to ensure your items are not damaged, stolen, or lost is to carry them yourself. An alternative is to ship valuables via a shipping service that includes insurance and tracking.
Flying Home with Gifts You Receive
Pack a sturdy duffel bag to use as an additional piece of luggage on your return flight. Use it for clothing, laundry, shoes, non-breakable items, and transport fragile gifts home in the more protective suitcase.
By using these tips as a guideline, you can better organize and prepare for your trip. Stay tuned to Travel Tip Tuesdays for more in-depth information about the best way to travel.